Wednesday, October 5


Went outside the other morning...took a few steps, a sharp right and a few more steps and something caught my eye...something was there that usually wasn't there. I stopped still, my body went rigid and the only thing moving were my eyes in their socket. I looked down on the dew drenched grass and there it was...a snake skin. It was perfect...stretched out in the grass, graceful curves every six inches or so.

Then it happened, I admit it....I had a nellie attack...a serious case of the willies. I squealed like a little girl and ran for the door. Luckily, I gained my composure long enough to get curious...just how long was this sucker? So I took a stick and gingerly extracted it from the grass and stretched it out on one of the deck benches. The head was all scrunched up like a used condom, so I didn't get the full effect, but I'm guessing it was about 3 feet long.

It must be shedding season in Middle Tennessee because my next door neighbor had recounted the previous day a story about finding the same thing in her yard. For a moment, I thought she had sneaked over in the middle of the night and put it by the front door as a practical joke, but no...there are now two big ass snakes hanging out in close proximity wearing the latest fall fashion.


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