Tuesday, July 14

You Know You Live In The Country When...

a grasshopper sets off your car alarm.

Yes, while enjoying an unusually cool summer morning in Middle Tennessee, I heard the sound of a car alarm in the distance. Odd...that's not something you usually hear at the Retreat Center. Up the staircase and out the door, I realize it's my car...hmm. Go back downstairs to get the keys and the alarm thingy that hasn't worked in oh...2 years and go back upstairs. The alarm stops blaring all by itself as I'm half way down the sidewalk, but can see I've left the car window open overnight. When I look inside, there's a very large, very green grasshopper walking on the dashboard looking for a way out. Every time he walks across a sensor on the dashboard, the alarm goes off. Quite a rattling experience for us all, I must say.


MS. ME said...


You know I'm visual - What a great image to have in my head!!! I'll be giggling about this for a while!! Sorry the disruption the actual alarm caused but really...

Ahhh, young grasshopper - Avoid Highlander to remain high on grass!!


Maria said...

Maybe he needs to join weight watchers for bugs....

Finding the Happy said...

He was big guy...but very svelte.