Monday, November 14

The Lost Season

Yesterday was filled with awe.
Even clinging to the hope of one more day,
they knew their destiny was to be a soft, damp blanket
cushioning the blow of footfalls and cleansing bitter tears.
Still, the air was filled with the glory of an autumnal hymn
as they fell to the ground.

Today, all has been washed away.
Outstretched arms of ancient growth draw down the sky
closer and closer until all has gone gray.
The sky cries out and tips of branches answer,
catching tears in mid air.
Rivulets cascade through cracked and caloused bark,
suffocating the fire...the sting of a lost season.

Tomorrow, all will be silent...
save the wailing of the wind through my heart.


Anonymous said...

There is a place near the lake where the river water overflows down towards the journey below the earth. Sometimes when I am down I stand there with one eye looking at the still lake with the breeze pushing the overflow and a few leaves down towards the next leg of the journey. The other eye stretches down to see where the river goes after the bend. While sorrow somtimes feels like the full lake hope creeps out and ventures on to new life down stream. I hope you can catch a glimpse of hope and the beautiful child of GOD called Ms. Laura.
See you soon

Finding the Happy said...

Thanks Jo...I walked to the lake today, but all was still. I picked up branches along the trail that were blown down last night from the high winds. There was a pattern to nature's littering. Young, tender growth ripped from the top of trees, branches that had been rotting and needed Mother Nature's push to the forest floor and long pieces of bark from ancient trees stripped off by the wind. It's multiple choice metaphors...