Saturday, January 20

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday
Michael Campagna
the man who taught me
everything he knew
about being a woman.

There's so much of you living through me, even though you've been gone almost 20 years. Part of me has never accepted your death, even though I saw them zip your lifeless, disease-ravaged shell into a stark white body bag. I'd like to believe you are somewhere in this world, living, laughing, loving and doing fabulous hair rather than lying in a grave in the cemetery where Colonel Sanders is buried.

Should you want to come back, I have your driver's license...just in case.


KC said...

Nice post . . . though in my first read through I thought you had him doing hair IN the cemetery with Colonel Sanders . . . thought that idea might put a smile on your face!

Anonymous said...

Michael was a great person and we are all better for knowing him. Thanks for always remembering his humor and his spirit.

Anonymous said...

This really isn't a comment. I've been searching for a Michael Campagna. He was originally from Illinois and lived in Naperville for a time. His father was Robert and had brothers by the names of Anthony, Mark, and Matt, the latter two being twins. In 1973 their and my family were split up and Mike and I lost track of each other. On one hand I hope I have found him but on the other not as the one you knew is gone. My mother, last name Kresen, and Robert Campagna were married for awhile and had moved to Arkansas at one time. If the Mike you knew ever talked about his family and the names I have named match with his, please let me know. Thank you.