Tuesday, September 20

An Open Letter to Corporate America

Dear Corporate CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, SOBs, etc...,

I understand that moving telephone and email support functions from America to India makes perfect business sense, however, when I cannot get the technical support person (named Hasraj) to believe that the serial number (labelled "serial number") on the bottom of my digital camera is REALLY the serial number of my digital camera, regardless of what his manuel says, I'm not inclined to buy your product any more.


Having Curry for Dinner

p.s. to my friends expecting an ongoing slideshow of my life in rural Tennessee...my digital camera is on the fritz and I can't seem to get anyone to help me fix it at HP, so stay tuned...either more letters will ensue or I'll begin loading pictures again.

1 comment:

Finding the Happy said...

Thanks so much! You'll be hearing from me soon.